Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bonjour from France!

We have had such a good week in France! Eating croissants, strolling through the park and the zoo, sightseeing in cathedrals and amphitheaters, worshipping with amazing new brothers and sisters, and enjoying plenty of sweet treats...

This past week Gareth, Ashley and I were blessed to share some of our stories of walking as Sons and Daughters of God at a home group here in Lyon. Gareth and I shared our story of how Jesus miraculously brought us together and has provided us with everything we need as we love and serve Him. We watched as Jesus restored hope and joy in the hearts of his sons and daughters. It's so beautiful to walk in His Kingdom!

We also got to go on a new adventure... Ministering to a group of Spirit-filled Catholics who worship together in the crypt of an old Cathedral here in downtown Lyon. It was wild... and so much fun. We found ourselves just laughing, dancing and enjoying the goodness of Daddy God as He used us again to share testimonies of what we have seen Him do in our lives and around the world. After sharing some stories we were able to pray and bless our brothers and sisters to go out into the world and see Jesus establish His kingdom through their hands and feet. It was a beautiful time of commissioning His saints to go out and see Love transform the world.

We're continuing to learn and grow in what it looks like to be Sons and Daughters of God. Jesus is constantly reminding me of His perfect love and affection towards us. He's reminded me this week that I have nothing of my own to offer. I can only give what He pours into me. And so I am so very thankful that He is continuously pouring His love and affection over me. I am so thankful for the ways He takes my little voice and uses it to bless His sons and daughters. So thankful that He delights in giving me joy each and every day. So thankful that He is always faithful and provides our every need.

God I pray you would continue to remind us that it's not about us... It's all about YOU. All He is looking for is willing vessels. He's asking for lives completely laid down and surrendered to Him. And what a joy it is to lay it all down! To know that I am completely dead and it is He who lives and moves and has His way in me! Thank you Jesus. Thank you that I am free to be nothing and allow you to be absolutely everything!

Even yesterday we were blessed by an abundance of His goodness again. Gareth, Ashley and I were able to travel to Geneva, Switzerland yesterday to sightsee and taste the delicacies of Swiss chocolate and cheese! Yum! We had a blast laughing through the streets and exploring new places.  It is so good to be free to enjoy the beauty of everything He has made!

Thank you Jesus for your goodness and kindness and mercies towards us. Thank you for providing our every need. Thank you for lavishing your love on us. Thank you for inviting us into the greatest romance and adventure of all time.

Tomorrow we head to Tete, Mozambique to visit our beautiful friends Nick & Marlene and Brooke. We are so excited to get back in the dirt and among the poor. So expectant for what Jesus will do in our time, how he will continue to open our eyes and break our hearts for what breaks His. Thank you Jesus for the joy and delight and honor of loving your children all around the world. Thank you for leading us to love every person, wherever they are and whatever they look like. God you are so eager to pour your love out on this hurting world. Show us how we can make ourselves available to you so that more of your children might be touched and brought home into the kingdom.

With great love and lots of joy!

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